Book Review: Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Yes, there’s another teen story circulating around called Wings. This was the debut fantasy novel of Aprilynne Pike. No blood sucking, blood drained, glittering vampires and no fallen, hot, winged fallen angels this time, but yes there’s a wing but you see, their not the same. ^^

This story revolves around a 15 year old girl named Lauren. After moving to Crescent City, she started attending a public school and during the fall, she started growing wings. Then later realizes she’s not a human but a plant. A faerie.

This story also include a love triangle between David, Lauren and Tamani. David is the hot guy in her new school, he is her confidante, best friend and eventually her boyfriend. Then there’s Tamani, a feature perfect guy, and he’s a faerie like Lauren. He used to be Lauren’s boyfriend when she was still a faerie.

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